I can! My journey with photography started with digital cameras, but soon after I discovered the pleasures of shooting with film. I was always, and I mean ALWAYS on the hunt for film cameras and lenses at my local thrift/antique stores. One morning I hit the jackpot. Inside of the glass cabinet at Goodwill was a beautiful lot of vintage lenses and a near mint Canon A1. I knew I had to have it so I asked the counter clerk to open up the display case for me so I could take a peek. Behind the camera bag in which these items were sitting in was a very small, black leather pouch with a tiny zipper. The word “Hoya” branded right across the front. I hadn’t seen something like it before and asked the Goodwill employee if I could examine it too. At first glance I thought it may have been an extension tube or perhaps a tele-converter. Upon opening it up, I noticed that it was neither but a shimmery chunk of prismatic glass. This was the first creative effect filter I had ever encountered – A Hoya Multi-Vision. This one in particular was the 5-point hexagonal design. Basically, it made 5 copies of whatever subject you were shooting. At that time, I had enough photographic knowledge that it was a lens filter of some kind, but little did I know that it was about to open up a world of obsession.